*****WHOA EDIT****** Originally below is what I was doing now I will put my edit under the picture, as you can tell I need tools and help too.
I'm putting this pic on here so I can get the pic later to sell, if any one that reads this you can have it free for shipping, or trade me a coin or computer security book etc. it's free if you want it, doubt anyone buys it on ebay

I'm putting this pic on here so I can get the pic later to sell, if any one that reads this you can have it free for shipping, or trade me a coin or computer security book etc. it's free if you want it, doubt anyone buys it on ebay
OK I uploaded this picture to uoload to ebay later and thought this would be a good temp spot to stash it and get rid of it later since nobody reads this I don't rally think. Then I realized on blogger you can't even rotate it all you can do is make is small, med lg or XL, just thought odd, have to pull out the editor now. What is some good blogger software to use that integrates good with twitter, google plus, facebook, ebay? etc. Anyway jabbered too much if anyone wants the book just let me know, pay shipping it is yours unless you got something cool to trade youthink I might would like......anyway back to cleaning house. :-)

Jdcoins.info Copyright 2012
Just thw QR to this site article :-)
Jdcoins.info Copyright 2012
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