This coin went up almost $1 million between 2003 and 2010! -- PCGS CoinFacts (@PCGSCoinFacts)
A blog dedicated to have fun with Silver, Gold, Coins, Numismatics (Coin Collecting), Electronics, Computer Security, Gadgets,and etc!
Friday, March 30, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
This Indian Coin/Token was gifted to me years ago when I was young but I have no idea what it is?
Here is the history of it. It was given to me about 15-20 years or so ago by a friend of my grandmothers mother from India from one of the times she went back home to visit her mother while going to college here in the US and she was kind enough to give it to me as a gift from one of her visits. I did not collect coins at that age or time but always thought it was cool and held on to it. I did a little looking a couple of years ago with no luck but I am hoping I can find something about it if nothing else what the symbol.....word??? etc is on the reverse? Also on what appears to the be the obverse who is the figure with 4 arms with the 2 elephants in the water.
Or does is go Like the one down below these two here?
Which is up/down?
The top two pictures are how American coins are with the ovberse and reverse upside down so I assume the top 2 is correct, as you see I have no idea.
Monday, March 5, 2012
I don't need these anymore
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Oaxaca will be my test, I should make android blog for this
Test Date: Feb 18, 2012 6:33:38 am Connection Type: EvdoA Server: Oaxaca Download: 1.03 Mbps Upload: 0.21 Mbps Ping: 179 ms External IP: Internal IP: unknown Latitude: 29.70780 Longitude: -95.46570 A detailed image for this result can be found here: Ookla operates using a massive global infrastructure to minimize the impact of Internet congestion and latency. With millions of tests performed every day across hundreds of servers, is the ultimate resource for bandwidth testing and related information. Visit it on your computer today to find out why.
Ebay Gem
Only 6 hours left on this rare gem ;)